
Once upon a time… A baby named Kelly was born in the damp and gray Evergreen State.

Okay. Really? This is not going to be like that. That took me too long anyway!

Who is smorgbord?

My name is Kelly and I am an adult living in the urban west side of Washington State. I like sno-cones, crafting, helping others and large dogs. I hate pickles, olives and mushrooms (but I’ll keep trying them occasionally-still hate ’em).

Why smorgbord?

Reason 1: Smorgasbord was taken.

Reason 2: I like variety and I want this blog to be a variety of things.

Reason 3: I am not Swedish.

What will smorgbord be about?

I want smorgbord to be anything it wants. Over time many things change so I want this to be able to do the same. I want to cook , I want to craft and most of all I want to tackle my bucket list of adventures! My initial thoughts going into this are:

Thought 1: I want to write a blog cuz I like reading blogs.

Thought 2: I want to get my spark back-you know the one I left in college when I would randomly go camping on campus with friends and call it ‘Camp-Us.’

Thought 3: I want to challenge myself and also hold myself accountable. I also want to encourage others to do the same and challenge me too.

Thought 3: I’m not an excellent photographer and maybe this will help me improve.

How will smorgbord work?

I’ll update when I can. I set my own rules and you can try to break them.

Some of my made up rules:

I can change my list at anytime.

I will take suggestions for my list.

I can add things I have done in the past to my list. (I will write about them on future posts)

I can add other things to this blog because it is a smorgbord.

I can blog about the list or even a celebrity. It’s my blog I’ll do what I want (insert me snapping my fingers three times in a zig zag pattern across the front of my body).

To summarize: Please enjoy reading about my adventures and please offer me comments, feedback, and thoughts. Hey, even tell me about what YOU have done on your list.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. I am so glad I happened upon your blog. I’m getting ready to move to Seattle for grad school so it’s nice to be able to read some cool stories 1st hand. I’m also super excited about your recipes! I’m always searching for new cupcake recipes and I will be making the champagne cupcakes this weekend!

    • Laura, I’m so excited to hear how the cupcakes turn out!!! Also congrats on grad school and welcome to Seattle! (I know some great places to eat if you ever need a list!)

  2. Melanie here! I enjoyed this blog, please email me–I have a question about your blog. MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com

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